Coaching Vs. Therapy

It is so important that my clients understand that coaching is not therapy.

In Habits and Happiness coaching, I focus heavily on understanding what it is that my clients TRULY want in life, and then we CREATE manageable action plans to get there.  More often that not, my clients have an idea of what they want, but they struggle to commit themselves to making the necessary shifts/changes in their day-to-day lives.  They find it challenging to motivate themselves to carve out the time to fully understand the steps they will need to take to experience lasting change.  When you team up with me as a coach, that time is built in weekly to focus on YOU.  Here is what you can count on if you choose to work with me…

  • It will sometimes feel like a class/workshop. You will be asked to do some deep dives. You will need to be open to putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard)!  We will explore your goals and get a clear understanding of what you will need to do to move toward that vision.
  • In each session we will create an ACTION PLAN for you to focus on that week.  That AP will have small, manageable, broken down steps for you to take to start making changes/progress immediately.
  • You will have someone by your side rooting you on!  Research shows that having an accountability partner is a game changer!  Every action plan will include an accountability piece. Check-ins outside of sessions will happen.
  • We will look at various executive functioning skills to better understand your personal strengths and struggles.
  • You will learn about different strategies and tools that you can use immediately to create routines that set you up for success.
  • After each session, you will receive a document with my notes from the session.  (I am completely transparent.)  You will also get the Action Plan and a note from me summarizing up our time together.  This give you a running record of what you have been working on and makes your goals very clear.
  • And more…!