We all experience fear.  Some of us hide it better than others…but it is universal.   Fear is a response to a tangible threat happening IN THE MOMENT.  Anxiety is worrying about something that is rooted in the past or projected into the future.  Although fear and anxiety are different, they are certainly related.

So what does “fear” mean?

FEAR – False Emotions Appearing Real

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR – Forget Everything And Run

Or maybe…just maybe…

FEAR – Face Everything And Rise

When we are afraid or anxious, our fight-or-flight instincts kick in.  Often times, we run.  This can cause avoidance, isolation, and increased anxiety. Here’s the thing, though – we can train ourselves to acknowledge that instinct to run…while also placing our feet firming on the ground, honoring our grit, and choosing to stand IN IT and persevere.  Grit develops your tenacity, no doubt.

So how do you overcome fear?  There is no easy answer here.  There is no go-to list that will speak to all fear.  But there are strategies and tools that can help you as you learn, grow, and evolve.

1 – Identify and acknowledge the fear.  Know that it is normal and okay.  Ask yourself how much of this fear is REAL.  (Sometimes you will realize it is anxiety about the unknown instead, but other times it certainly is very real…) Take time to think about it. Is it fear of uncertainty? Fear of failure? What is the story you tell yourself about why you just can’t overcome this fear? This time to contemplate can be extremely eye-opening.

2 – Develop an actionable plan to address this fear.  What can you do TODAY to move a little closer to overcoming this?  Ask yourself, if you accomplish this small goal, how will it make you feel?  Visualize that experience.  Will that outcome (short and/or long term) override the challenge(s) you might face by overcoming this fear?

3 – Recognize your excuses.  Identify your priorities.  Habit stack. Schedule.  Make time.

4 – Surround yourself with people who will push you to achieve your goals.  Get a coach who will help hold you accountable.  Meet up with others that have growth mindset.  Be flexible.  Be willing to shift your perspective.

5 – Accept that things might get harder before they get easier.  You have this fear for a reason – it is your body/mind warning you that pain may come… Do it anyway.  Remember that if you risk nothing, you risk everything.

6 – Visualize your goal.  Get clear on what you want.  Take time to really see/feel/experience what life will be once you conquer this fear.

7 – Know that failure is a given.  As someone recently said to me, fail forward.  Failure is often a better teacher than success. If you accept from the onset that failure is an inevitable part of success, you will be less afraid of it. Failure can provide you with valuable learning experiences that will positively impact strategies moving forward.

8 – Practice mindfulness. Observe your feelings of fear without judgement.  Making this a habit will raise your self-awareness, and it eventually will lead you away from things you typically do when you experience fear. It helps get you out of your rut.

9 – Use humor to deflate your worst fears. Allow yourself to think of the most out there and ridiculous things that connect to your given fear, and let yourself laugh at the absurdity of it.

10 – Use affirmations. “Every time I don’t allow fear to keep me from doing something that scares me, I am making myself stronger and less likely to let the next fear attack stop me.”

At the other side of fear is FREEDOM.  It take courage to face our fear(s), it is sometimes painful to push through, but it is truly always worth it when you are on the other side.