Grounding Yourself and (THEN) Creating a Plan using S. Covey’s Four Quadrants

This morning I found myself spinning. I have so many moving parts going on in my life at the moment, and I quickly realized that I was not grounded at all. I knew that I needed to bring myself back to the present moment, but sitting in meditation wasn’t going to work for me in the state I was in. So, I decided to go to nature. (In my own inner work, I have identified a few different strategies/tools that work for me when I am losing control of my thoughts…and being in nature is one of them.)

As I was walking through the woods, I intentionally slowed my breathing and looked around for things that might make me smile. I spotted a fox sitting on a log staring at me, and shortly thereafter a garter snake slithered across the path in front of me. (I looked at awe at the fox, and felt some alarm when I spotted the snake!) Being outside in nature always helps me to slow down and ground myself in the moment. I love being surrounded by trees, hearing the birds sing, and feeling both totally alone while also feeling embraced by all that is in that moment.

Although the walk didn’t stop my thoughts from swirling around in my head, it did help me to slow them down a bit and decide on how I can best move forward…

When I got home, I did a brain dump listing all the things that were on my mind. Then I pulled out Stephen Covey’s time management matrix and popped each task into the appropriate quadrant. Now I am about to prioritize and then create an action plan.

Do I feel totally grounded, prepared and relaxed now? Ummm, no. But I AM in a better state than I was this morning. And for that, I am grateful.

We all have days that can feel overwhelming. That is just the reality of life. The key is to recognize these days, apply strategies to help you best manage them, and remember that the chaos will pass.