Who are you hanging out with?

Take a look at the five people you spend most of your time with and you will get a good overview of who YOU are…

This often makes people either cringe, laugh, or shift in their seats.  Do the people you spend time with reflect the kind of person you want to be?

One of my morning affirmations is: I surround myself with people that lift me up and remind me of the person I strive to be.

Truth – I am still working on always staying true to this.  It isn’t easy.  But being mindful of it can be a game changer.

Here are a few signs that someone is actually GOOD for your overall wellbeing and mental health –

  1. They put their phone to the side and actually seem interested in what you have to say.
  2. They make time to share space with you.
  3. They enjoy getting to know you as a person and ask meaningful questions.
  4. You don’t have to hide any parts of yourself when you are with them.
  5. You feel safe being totally vulnerable around them.
  6. They understand and respect your personal boundaries…without judgement.
  7. They communicate honestly with you.  They know that you are always doing your best.  They assume positive intentions.
  8. They encourage you to grow as a person.
  9. You feel seen, heard, and appreciated when you are with them.
  10. After time together you feel happy/rejuvenated, NOT depleted/exhausted.

It’s not easy to find these kinds of friends…but they are out there.  Be aware of who your give your time/energy to!!